The Cattle Improvement Company
Breeding businesses must stay on top of their game to succeed. This means staying up-to-date on genetic trends and technology updates. We help those in the cattle industry stay ahead of the curve and at max production.

What do we offer?
Who Are We?
Maxximik is a company that promotes and improves cattle herd genetics globally. Over the years, our company has focused on significantly enhancing cow genetics with professional management and a support system that enables ranchers to realize their cattle's production potential. The impact Maxximik initially had on the dairy industry has led the company to expand its brand and offer MaxxiBeef and MaxxiGenetics to support different sectors such as show and beef cattle. IVF in cattle has revolutionized the industry, contact us to learn more today!

The Technology We Utilize

At Maxximilk, we are on the cutting edge of agricultural science. With technologies such as embryo cryopreservation, embryo sexing, and embryo transfer we are constantly striving to improve the cattle industry in the U.S. and the world at large.